Tuesday, June 5, 2012

SHOCKED - Some people have NEVER made guacamole...

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Shocking - seriously.

I honestly did not realize that some people have NEVER had guacamole. Or worse - have ONLY had "guacamole" from a plastic container. In this past week - here are some of the horror stories I have heard:

  • A neighbor (from India) had NEVER had an avocado. Never.  (I fixed that).
  • A friend had only had guacamole from restaurants.
  • A person on Facebook had never made guacamole - only bought "premade" from the store. 
  • I read a blog from the U.K. where a lady did not put onions nor peppers in her guacamole and couldn't understand why people liked guacamole (it was too bland for her... well, duh!)
HONESTLY folks - if you have never made guacamole, I BEG you.  I PLEAD with you to try it. I post this most simple of recipes with a couple of tips:

- I strongly encourage you to add some garlic too. Granulated garlic mixes well. But fresh is nice too. 
- Avocados are bland - so you DO need a lot of salt. 
- Use FRESH but not over ripe avocados. 

If you would like a guacamole "kit" to make your job as easy as possible - please check out our website here at the Avocado Diva.  We would LOVE to introduce you to this most awesome of gourmet delights. 

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